This is the first week of the new wave. I expect you to warm up efficiently and stretch out after. The WODS will be 60-90min long. If you cant find time make time to complete the daily workouts. Everyone is keeping the workouts to themselves and not posting. I would appreciate it if y'all post your scores.
The program is going to run for 8 weeks. We will be doing max lifts on monday and speed lifts on friday. In between we will be doing a ton of cleaning and snatching as well as aux. exercises to accommodate for our end goal of moving heavier weight faster. We will not be doing much benching nor speed upper work. If you find the need to add more of anything remember to add intensity vs. reps. When warming up remember to be sweaty and give it your all during the warmups. The old Crossfit saying goes like this," Our warm up is your workout". Now a days I have been noticing the peoples warm up is other peoples warm up and there are a lot of people who are not going HARD- they are soft! We call that being SOY or tofu.
Keep up the consistency and intensity!!!
WARM UP: with barbell and bands
1 Power Snatch and 2 Snatch - 65% x 2 sets; 70% x 3 sets
Jerk - 70% x 3 x 2; 75% x 3 x 3
Front Squat Max (3 sec Pause)
Clean pulls - 70% x 3 x 7
GHR 3 x 5-10
Hypers 3 x 20
100 v-ups
Heavy Jackie
95# and CTB