Warm up:
Roller to Adductors, VMO and IT
Heavy sled walks and backwards for 10 min
Practice Pistol box jumps on each leg ( raise height to something difficult. Go straight to the jump once you are done with the pistol- do not pause right before you jump.)
Speed box squats w/ HEAVY chains: 45x10, x5, x3, 75% x 2 x 6, 80% x 2 x 2
Deficit Deads: x5, x3, x1, 10 x 80% x1
Assistance and core:
Hypers: 5x25@220#
4 x Max L-sit hold ( on P-bars)
3 rounds 10 of each ( as fast as possible)
tuck ups ( basically same as v-up but bend knees as you come up
ghd situp
Finish with handstand walking. Make it as fun and challenging as possible.
1 comment:
Main: 8/29
Speed box squats w/ HEAVY chains: 45x10, 95x5, 135x3, 75%(155) x 2 x
4, 80%(160) x 2 x 2.
Deficit Deads: 135x5, 185x3, 215x1, 5 x 80%(225) x1.
Assistance and core:
A) 4 x Max L-sit hold ( on P-bars)
7 sec, 7, 8, 7 sec...
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