Friday, June 5, 2009

Training too hard....? Never!

I have been training very hard lately. Last week I worked out 9 days in a row. Some of those days it was very intense wods and others it was working on skills: muscle ups, squat speed doubles, rope climbs. Working out HARD was ok as long as i had good recovery.
Recovery in crossfit: eat right, get good sleep and stretch alot! Thats what I have been doing. I make sure that when I get up I drink a muscle milk. Its easy and fast and, with 20 grams of protein im happy. Next, I have been forcing myself to get at least 7 hours of sleep. Any more than 8 hours of sleep will make me feel like crap. Lastley, everytime im on my couch I stretch out my hips like its no ones business.
The moral of this blog post is to take care of yourself. If you over do it in one area of fitness then couple that with an awesome rest/recovery day. The flip side- if "you" eat too much then kill it with the wods- do a CF games type workout day. Take care of yourself!!!

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