Sunday, February 23, 2014

Monday 140224

Today the new 6 week wave starts. It will be a very aggressive weightlifting program with a  3 on 1 off Typical CrossFit programming. ( If the weightlifting loads are too much then take the % down a bit vs. not getting the reps in.)
Remember that the 2014 Open starts this week. I feel the group as a whole must focus on better pulling technique and speed under the bar. So, not only will we be doing a ton of weightlifting but we will also be doing a Crap ton of ridiculous and awesome Met-cons.  That being said, during the next 6 weeks you MUST do as much recovery training as needed!
Have Fun and Train Smart...

3 min row or run
Bands and hips for 10min with dyn. movements
3min row or run

Block snatch pull + hang snatch: 65% x (1+1) x 2, 70% x (1+1) x 2
Block clean pull + hang clean: 65% x (1+1) x 2, 70% x (1+1) x 2
(Start with bar at the knees)
Clean Deadlift to knee + clean pull:  65% x 2+1 x 2, 70% x 2+1 x 2
Front Squat: 65% x 2x 2 sets, 70% x 2 x 2 sets

Five rounds for time of:
20 Strict ring dips
135 pound Thruster, 14 reps

There should be no bend of the leg or hip in the strict ring dip.



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