Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 9, 2013

MAke sure you stretch out our hips and hamstrings throughout the day and during rest sets

5 x300M rower sprints
20 pistols each leg


Sumo Deadlift Rack Pulls: x10, x5, x3, then in up to 5 sets complete a heavy single
(choose pin height that allows for about a 10% increase of your best Sumo- GET AFTER THAT #!)
Max Rep Rack Pulls @ 70% till your face explodes

Assistance and core:

OH walking lunges: 3x30 @115#
Hypers: 3x25 @ +300#
TTB: 5x unbroken goal ( the goal is 15. Try to stay as close to that as possible)

Go to the Track and do this:

Tabata 1.5 miles


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