Thursday, October 29, 2009

Different training

Sometimes people make weird faces at me when I workout. Sometimes people complain that I am too loud when I work out. Sometimes people say," this is not safe and YOU should not lift around a crowded area". Well, PEOPLE, all I can say is.................Watch This!

Once these people understand what the hell I am doing then the world will be more relaxed and accepting. But, that will not happen soon. So in the mean time............, lift heavy weights, go hard on metabolic wods and tell people to shut up and "Watch this". If they dont understand have them "Watch This" again.


Melliefarrell said...

YES! Take that you "you shouldn't be listing that weight it's too heavy for you" A-HOLES!

dj.fitlife said...

haha I love it. Couldnt have said it better.