Thursday, September 3, 2009

Don't over train the "C"

Why does everyone revert back to doing cardio? Is cardio the best thing in fitness? I understand combining the two(weight lifting and cardio[metcons]) I see time and time again knee issue, lower back issues, chin splints and even plantar fasciitis. Most of these issues result in over training the Cardio. At SFCF we never say the terrible "C" word- Cardio- it is Kardio!!!

Today I did repeats on the erg with an ample amount of recovery- 4mins. Now this is the type of training I like: 1:1 work: aprox amount of recovery. Im not saying dont do a 5k, 10k, or enjoy a double dipsea. What I am trying to say is dont over train the Cardio. Kids at Marin Rowing over train the cardio. They have super crazy back and knee issues- may because they do a 5k on the erg for their warm-up then do a crossfit class then do their water piece for about 30min-1hr..WTH.

Next time you plan on doing a +30min Kardio piece think again and decide if it is worth it... If so then have fun BUDDY! Ill Be at SFCF doing 100,200,400,800 meter sprints training to kick your A** on the Quad dipsea.
coffee and cream
1cup yogurt
2 cheese stick
1500meter row 3x with 4min rest inbetween: 5:18,5:22,5:27
beef and chicken burrito with guac and sourcream
cup of berries
thrusters: 45-10 warmup,95-5,135-5,155-5 then 5 sets of 5 at #185
big order of mongolian beef
2 cups apple sauce

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