Monday, September 2, 2013

September 3, 2013


5 x 
run 200m 
10 Double KB SN
3 x 50 band rows
1-arm sled push and pulls for 5 min


Floor Press: x25, x10, x5, x3, Then in up to 7 sets find 1RM 
Max reps at 80% 


Incline DB bench: 3 x 25
Rolling DB Tricep extension:  3 x 15 
DB Flies: 3 x 10

Double up again:

For time:
row 500m
5 rounds
5 pushpress 135/95
10 burpees
row 500m

Finish with:

EMOM x 10

unbroken 2-5 muscle ups

AODontforget to post fools

1 comment:

Trailblazer said...

Main: 9/3

5 x
run 200m
10 Double KB SN (25#)

3 x 50 band rows
1-arm sled push and pulls for 5 min

Floor Press: 45x25, 95x10, 135x5, 155x3, Then find 1RM.
165x1, 175x0.
Max reps at 80% = 135x7.5

Incline DB bench: 3 x 25
35#x20, 35#x18, 30#x19.
Rolling DB Tricep extension: 3 x 15. 20# x12, x12, x11.
DB Flies: 3 x 10
20#x10, x10,x10.

Double up again:

For time: 10:55.
row 500m
5 push press @ 95#
10 burpees
row 500m