Monday, September 23, 2013

September 24, 2013

We are going to start implementing Olympic lifting. After the past 12 weeks (building phase) we need to start being a bit more dynamic. Be familiar with the movements which come up. 


Sled push and pulls
Muscle Snatch: x 10, x 8, x 6 then into the Power snatch: x 4, 90% x 2 x 2


Bench: x10, x5, x5, x3
Then add sling shot: 5 sets of 3 then in up to 3 sets find a heavy double

80% for max reps

Assitance and core:

5 rounds : 3 pullups and 3 dips using 70#/50#
Hammer Curls 3 x 10 @ 60#s
50 overhead situps using 75#

Double today:

10-1 SDHP 95#/75
1-10 HSPU

Rest 5 min

Hit a Tabata airdyne then 4 min at 60%


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