Thursday, September 12, 2013

September 13,2013


Shoulder flexibility
Heavier sled push and pulls for 10min

Warm up with working weight then:
5 x 10 reps (do not fail with given weight!)

Assitance and core:

3 Rounds of 30 meter sled rows using 225# -  then into 50  banded triceps press downs

Tabata :
alternating with
GHD situps

Double up day today:

10min AMRAP MAN test:

EX: 5 dips - pbar walk - 5 dips (Come off if needed). Then 4-walk-4... all the way to 1-walk-1 then start back up with 5-walk-5 and back down until 10 min has ended.

Rest 5 min:

run 200m
3 muscle up
5 burpees
rest 2 min between sets
Repeat 5 x for time.


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