Friday, August 16, 2013

August 16, 2013

Warmup: upper body sled (1.5 plates)

 Bench: 45x25, 95x10 add bands: 45x5, then: 3x60%x3 (narrow), 3x60%x 3 (neutral), 3x160%x3(wide)

KB tri-ext: 1-minute x3 @ 35#

Heavy bent-over 1-arm DB rows 3 x alot:

banded tri push-downs: 3x25

hammer curls: 3 x 35# x max pump

stretch shoulders and pecs

15min amrap
Row 300 m
7 pushpress 135#
10 Box jumps 30inch

1 comment:

AOD said...

Warmup: upper body sled (1.5 plates)

Main: 265 as 1rm
Bench: 45x25, 95x10 add bands: 45x5, then: 3x60%x3 (narrow), 3x60%x 3 (neutral), 3x60%x3(wide)
Used 155

KB tri-ext: 1-minute x3 @ 35#

Heavy bent-over 1-arm DB (80#) rows 3 x alot: 10 each arm no torque at torso

banded tri push-downs: 3x25 w greens

hammer curls: 3 x 35# x max pump

stretch shoulders and pecs

15min amrap
Row 300 m
7 pushpress 135#
10 Box jumps 30inch
6 or 7 rounds plus 79 m