Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 31, 2013

Hip/ Ham/Lats- mob work up to a heavy muscle snatch A- Snatch Balance 50% x 3 x 6 B- Jerk 50% x 2 + 2 muscle ups x 10 C- 
AFAP 800m run 30 back extension 30 situp row 800 30 situp 30 back extension run 800 D- finish with 100 shoulder touches


AOD said...

Stretched out for 30 min
A-65x10,95x3,115x1,125x1,135x1 heavy on shoulders so stopped
B- 160# used and muscle ups felt easy on the 5th or 6th set
C- 14:50 on wod( kept 144 pace on erg)
D- foregot shoulder touches so ill do them tonight or tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Hip/ Ham/Lats- mob
work up to a heavy muscle snatch

Snatch Balance 50% x 3 x 6

Jerk 50% x 2 + 2 muscle ups x 10 emom

800m run
30 back extension
30 situp
row 800
30 situp
30 back extension
run 800
-back tightened up on final run


finish with 100 hand lifts

AOD said...
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