Saturday, August 31, 2013

August 31,2013

Six rounds for time of:
30 Squats
135 pound Power clean, 19 reps
7 Strict Pull-ups
Run 400 meters

HotShots 19

Give it your all. They gave it their life's. please help out the families by donating anything you are able to. Go to:


Friday, August 30, 2013

August 30, 2013

Airdyn 10 min
Bands to Shoulders


5x1min at each exercise
KB bench
Strict pull-ups
Strict dips
Rest 3 min
Have a quick trans. This is not on the min.


Deficit HSPU 3 x amrap 
Super set:
hammer curls: 3x30-sec@40#

heavy shirtless sled pulls and pushes till Helton.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 29, 2013

Warm up:

Roller to Adductors, VMO and IT  
Heavy sled walks and backwards for 10 min
Practice Pistol box jumps on each leg ( raise height to something difficult.  Go straight to the jump once you are done with the pistol- do not pause right before you jump.) 


Speed box squats w/ HEAVY chains: 45x10, x5, x3, 75% x 2 x 6, 80% x 2 x 2

Deficit Deads: x5, x3, x1, 10 x 80% x1

Assistance and core:

Hypers: 5x25@220#

4 x Max L-sit hold ( on P-bars)

3 rounds 10 of each ( as fast as possible)
tuck ups ( basically same as v-up but bend knees as you come up
ghd situp

Finish with handstand walking. Make it as fun and challenging as possible.



Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 28, 2013

OHS 15,12,9 at the best weight you can accomplish

EMOM x10:
P.Snatch 2 reps:
Adding by 5%: start at 50% and end at 80% x 4

Push Press 70% 5 x 5

work on skils and or any make up shiz


Monday, August 26, 2013

August 27, 2013


10 min upperbody flexibility
7min row
5min run
3min airdyn


bench press: x25, x10, Heavier x3,
Add bands: 3x3, Then find 1rm in under 5 sets

Standing DB Shoulder Press 5x10@ +5# heavier than last week
DB Bent-over row: 3x25@40#/25#
Weighted pullups : 3xamrap @50%
DB shrugs 3x25 @ 80#
100 band triceps pushdowns

Double again so:

10 min amrap:
5 pullups
10 pushups
1 snatch @ 135#/95#
In round 2 complete 2 snatch, in round 3 complete 3 snatch, etc...

Sunday, August 25, 2013

August 26, 2013


Prowler again and add weight to last week x 8-10

 Hip Mob and Thoracic work

Practice pistols weighted


Zercher Squat: x15, x10, x5, x3, 5x1, x1 then in up to 5 sets find 1RM

Assistance work:
4 x 1 min on 1 min off: Sumo/ Russian kbs (2 pood/1.5)
hip ext 5x25
hypers: 3x25 @230#

planks: 3x20sec on 40 sec off @4plates

Double day it so...

4 x 400 m/50 airsquats
For time

Friday, August 23, 2013

August 24, 2013

Go on a hike. Go out with some friends and swim in the ocean. Ride a bike. Pick up surfing or; come to the gym and make up work since you are behind. Just make sure you are having fun.


August, 23, 2013


Upper body sled light


DB bench:

60s x 10, 60s plus minis x 10, 60s plus monster minis x 10, 60s plus doubled minis x amrap

Pushpress with chains:
3 sets : 50% x Amrap 


5 x amrap dead-hang pullups 
5 x amrap dips ( no kip) 
Hammer curls 3 x shirtless x swole

Make up more work if needed. Tomorrow is either an off day or another make up day.



Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August 22, 2013

Warm up:

Foam roller to VMO, IT, Calf till loose
10 x 50m Prowler runs 160#/ 90#
pistols 5 x 10 (5 each leg with weight - post)


Speed box squats w/ chains: x10, x5, x3, 10x75%x2
Speed 3" deficit deads: x5, x3, 10x75%x1


Hypers: 5x25@220#
Planks:  60 sec on 60 sec off w 45#/ 25# 


75GHD situps




August 21, 2013

Bands and flexibility work till loose

Weight lifting: Use this time to really dial in speed

Snatch balance 50% x 3 x 7
Clean high pulls 50% x 4 x 5


5 x Amrap deficit HSPU (from 12/6 inches)

EMOM x 15
2 rep bear complex at body weight

Extra but much needed conditioning:

20 min Airdyne or 40 min if you missed monday

Monday, August 19, 2013

August 20, 2013

Double day again.


upper body sled drag light for 5 min
Band working ext. rotation for 5 min
3 x 25 light band pull aparts

Push press: 45x25, x10, x3 then in up to 7 sets find 1RM


Superset 1:
Standing DB Shoulder Press : 5x10 (45#/30#)
Heavy band pull aparts: 5x15

Super set 2:
DB shrugs 3x25@80#/50#

3xamrap weighted Triangle pushups


15 x :30 on :30 off 
Run 100 m
Max rep HSPU

Rest 1-3 hours


12 min amrap:
2 muscle ups
4 hspu off 45#/ 24# plate 
8 Kbs 2 pood/ 1.5 pood

Rest 3 min
Then in 3 min max cal on ERG

Sunday, August 18, 2013

August 19, 2013

Hey ya'll.
Remember to post your scores. I will make sure I post mine. Everyone seems to be getting stronger and being able to handle the volume. If you cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen aka VAULT... Either way; eat clean( lots of protein) and remember to stretch, stretch and then stretch some more

10: 50m prowler runs

Concentric GM: x25, x10, 3x3, Then Find a 1rm
Concentric GM 80% xAMRAP 

3 Rounds of  1 minute on 1 minute off:  KB swings to eye level (2 pood,1.5 pood)
hip ext 5x25@10#
hypers: 3x25@200#

planks: 5x30sec 30sec rest (45#/25#)

20 min Airdyne

Double day today:

Practice OH barbell pistols for technique

Front Squat 135/95
Ring dip
400m Erg
For time:

rest 5 min

Finish with tabata jump lunge for total reps( jumping once equals 1 rep)

August 18 2013

Recovery day

August 17, 2013

Open WOD:
Post it and let us know how it went

Friday, August 16, 2013

August 16, 2013

Warmup: upper body sled (1.5 plates)

 Bench: 45x25, 95x10 add bands: 45x5, then: 3x60%x3 (narrow), 3x60%x 3 (neutral), 3x160%x3(wide)

KB tri-ext: 1-minute x3 @ 35#

Heavy bent-over 1-arm DB rows 3 x alot:

banded tri push-downs: 3x25

hammer curls: 3 x 35# x max pump

stretch shoulders and pecs

15min amrap
Row 300 m
7 pushpress 135#
10 Box jumps 30inch

Thursday, August 15, 2013

August 15, 2013

Warm up with:
Box jumps from seated position: 5x3
10 min hip ham stretching- Very important!

Speed box squats: x10, x5, x3, 65% x 2,  75% x 2 x 6 sets, 80% x 2, 85% x 2
Speed Deads: x5, x3, 65% x 1, 70% x 1, 75% x 1 x 5 sets, 80% x 1, 85% x 1, 90% x 1

Back ext: 3x25 with 10# plate
Hypers: 3 x25 x heavy

Banded standing ab pulldowns: 3x25
1min plank in between sets

Rest/ stretch more before...


70 Burpees
60 Situp
50 KBS 1.5 pood
40 Pullups
30 Hspu
For Time:

August 14, 2013

Sorry for the super late post.

Warm up:Foam roller or massage.

Row 100,200,300,400
Med ball clean and jerk 9,7,5,3.
Rest 3 min
Pullup 7-1
Hspu 1-7
rest 3 min
Then as fast as possible complete 50 shoulder touches.

Post times for each couplet and touches

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August 13, 2013

20 m Upper body sled drag (90# plate)
Row 500
rest 1 min between sets

10 min of Bands- hit lats, ext. rotation, pecs

Main:-Bench press: 45x15, 135x10, x5
-Add 2 board: x3 then in up to 5 sets hit a Heavy single 
-then hit 80% for amrap
-Add Sling Shot( no board with same weight) for amrap:

-BB bent-over row from floor: 5x10@185
-DB bench @ 60# x 3 sets: max reps in 30 sec:
-banded tri push-downs: 3x25
-hammer curls: 3x5@60#s

Lean finish:
100 m run
5 burpees
10 rounds

All this should be done in about an hour. From Main to Assistance you should have no longer than a 2 min transition. From assistance to lean finish you can allow yourself up to 7 min.

Tomorrow we are weightlifting and doing more "athletic" conditioning...


Monday, August 12, 2013

August 12, 2013

warmup: sled drag (4.5 plates)
3 each of 50 m: A, B, C Skips; Karaoke

SSB box squats: x15, x10, x5, x3, then in 5 sets find a heavy single

Stiff-legged deads: 4x10

GHR: 3 x Amrap
Hypers: 3x25

OH Situps 3x10@75#

10 x Run 200 m every 1 min: post times 

This week will be made up of heavy singles and high percentages. If you need to make up wods from the previous week(s) go ahead and do so. Keep in mind that we are going 6 days straight with only 1 rest day(sunday) then into another high percentage dynamic week.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

August 10, 2013

Complete make up work as either a warm up of wod 1


Weighted pullup

Use the weights below in each sets
15#, 26#, 35#, 44#, 53#, 70#

Strict HSPU


Rest, 5 min
Then hit the air dyne for 15 min if you dont have make up work....

Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 9, 2013

Warmup: upper body sled for 10min
3 x Y, T, Fly's @ 10#

bench: 45x25, 95x10
add bands: 45x10, 95x5, 9x55%x3 (3-grips) 
KB tri-ext: 1-minute for reps x3 x 35#
bent-over DB rows: 3xAMRAP 
banded tri push-downs: 3xAMRAP

hammer curls for MAX PUMPAGE:  5 sets at 30#
Rest 10 min
Tabata 10m sprints then at the top of 4 minutes: Death by 155# Power Clean and Pullup

Row 1k
75 Hand release pushup
max rep ghd situps
10 min cap


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August 8, 2013

Double day again. Smile!


Warm up:
Box jumps from seated: 5x3 (raising box but not max height)
Bandz for 10min 

Speed box squats: 45x10, x5, x3, 10x65%x2 with Chains
Speed deads: 135x5, x3, x1, 10x75%x1
Back ext: 3x25
Hypers: 3x25 

OH situps 3x 8 @75#
2 x 1200 m row ( keep within 10 sec of your 1st row)


45 Front Squats @ BW ( Keep time and try and hit as fewest sets as possible)


10 x 100m 90# prowler sprints
Rest 60-90 sec between sprints


August 7, 2013

Recovery for tomorrow
Drag a sled for 1/2 mile
Get on the Airdyne and cruise at 50% for 10 min
stretch out those hammies

Monday, August 5, 2013

August, 6, 2013

Today is another double day. Go heavy and hard!


Warm up:
Bandz for 10 min - pulls, rotations, holds.
20 min on airdyne- get use to it peeps!
upper body sled drag going heavy for 8 min

Mid-range pin concentric bench press (floor-press depth): 45x25, 95x15, 135x10, x5, x3, find max in less than 5 sets

3 x 80% x AMRAP 
Super set: barbell bent-over row: 3x10 @ 155#

Dumbbell seated alternating press: 3xAMRAP using 50#

Banded tri push-downs: 3xAMRAP

Hammer curls: 3xHeavy 


1K row
5 rounds
7 jerk 135
25 pullups
for time

rest 5 min

8 min handstand walking

Sunday, August 4, 2013

August 5, 2013

Todays wod should be done as early in the day as possible. Today and tomorrow we will have double WODS. For today, make sure to rest up for the PM metcon. If you cannot do the strength in the am dont worry and just work in recovery to the best of your ability


warmup: sled drag 200# 6 min
3 each 20 sec on 10 sec off - Marchers - low - high Lateral marchers low high
rest 1 min
2RM Good Morning: 2x10@45, 5 sets of 5 increasing weight -  Then work up to a heavy double:
Hit max reps at 75%:
Hit max reps of a Gm and squat combo 75% :
Stiff-legged deads: 3x10@60% ( of Todays 2RMGM) , 1x15@75%, 1x5@80%
hypers: 3x25 heavier
banded standing ab pulldowns: 3x CUT

Metcon(+ 2 hours):

Double unders
KB swing 70#
Rope climb

For time:

Finisher: run 100 m every 30 seconds x 20 @ 80% ME

Remember to post your score and times

Thursday, August 1, 2013

August 2nd

Warm up with
A and B and C skips
Dynamic plyos
Bring band to track and hit some banded runs in between sets

5 k time trial
(make sure you save this time and post it. We will be doing % runs soon.)

(Midday- if you missed anything this last week this is the time to get it all in!)

Warmup: upper body sled shirtless 3 sets of 10 each of: 8#" Y, T, I 
"Bandz" to Lats bench: 45x25, 95x10 Then add blue(1 inch bands): 45x10, 95x5, 9x50%x3 (3-grips) KB tri-ext: 3 x 1-minute max reps x35# Single arm DB rows: 3xJac3ed banded tri push-downs greens: 3xSwole

Saturday will be a recovery day meaning I want you to get on a bike and ride around or go on a hike and stay hydrated. Sunday is a total day off- just stretch out. We will be hitting it hard monday so eat clean buttercups!